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How can I access the invoice for the top up of my account?

There is no top-up invoice, only a top-up receipt for the wallets that are available in the report.


The payment structure for meal allowances implicit in the Coverflex solution is similar to that of meal cards issued by banks such as CGD (Caixa Break), Montepio (Menu), or Millennium BCP (Cartão Free Refeição), and not to meal vouchers issued, for example, by Ticket or Sodexo. In the case of meal cards, the allowance amount should be considered paid as soon as it is debited on the meal card.


Therefore, when it comes to this allowance in salary processing, a debit should be generated in an account 63 (Personnel Costs) offset by a credit in account 23 (Personnel - possibly in a sub-account related to meal allowance). The latter is settled by a credit in account 12 (Ordinary Deposits) related to the loading of the meal balance that the company does through the Coverflex platform. The supporting document for this loading is available in the reports section, accessible to the company manager. This is the procedure that, in our experience, is customary in this type of solution (meal card), unlike meal vouchers where the supplier issues an invoice for their issuance.


For the benefits top-up, invoices, when they exist, are only available after employees use the balance. This is because, until the benefit balance is used, this value still remains in the company's accounting sphere. Once an employee uses the amount, for instance, to issue a Childcare voucher, the invoice for this transaction will become available in the accounting report.

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